Akplants of Norwich

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Persian Lilac

Price incl. VAT (20%) £2.08
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A fast-growing, many-branched deciduous tree, to 15m tall in its native warm temperate India and China. The pinnate leaves are composed of numerous glossy, ovate leaflets. In spring and early summer it produces a profusion of fragrant, pale lilac, star-shaped flowers in loose, arching clusters; these are followed by ovoid, yellow fruit to 1cm long. It is, however, unlikely to flower or fruit when grown as a conservatory specimen

Flowers on a chinaberry tree are clusters of light-purple flowers growing in an open panicle. Individual flowers consist of five liner petals forming a whitish-purple ray. The centre of the flower has a prominent dark purple tube. When in bloom, the purplish clusters of flowers with the tree’s feathery foliage create a soft, fuzzy appearance.

Chinaberry trees bloom with lilac-coloured flowers from late spring through the summer. Although the dainty purplish flower clusters aren’t particularly showy, they provide some colour in spring and summer landscapes.

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Persian Lilac
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