Akplants of Norwich

Chinese Mahogany

Chinese Mahogany
Toona sinensis

Native Range: Eastern and south-eastern Asia. From North Korea, China, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia through toWestern Indonesia.

Introduced into parks and gardens in the British Isles in 1862.

The fruit, bark and leaves are used in traditional Chinese medicine, with young leaves being used as a salad crop in China.

Extracts from the leaves of Toona sinensis have shown potential in the treatment of prostate cancer

The timber is used for making the bodies of electric guitars and is used as a substitute for the three Swietenia spp. (True Mahogany); timber is commercially restricted for conservation reasons.

The young shoots are cooked as a vegetable. The leaves, when crushed, produce a scent similar to that of leeks.

Toona sinensis is one of six species of trees in this genus and they can be found growing across Asia and Australia. This species is fairly hardy but slow growing.

This tree will not be available until the Spring.

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