Akplants of Norwich

Mexican Weeping Pine


Instruction for buyers of Mexican Weeping Pine

Upon receipt keep in the 5 inch pot until settled, or until you feel you can take out the root ball from the pot without disturbance. When ready you should transfer to a bigger pot. Keep free from competing weeds and never allow to completely dry out, water logging should also be avoided. Do not be tempted to keep in the greenhouse when the warm weather comes as this may harm the saplings via scorching. However the greenhouse will be good during frosty times until the plant is older. Trees will perform best raised outdoors in full sunny position. These grow very quickly and will continue to need re-potting. As regards compost a good multi purpose compost will do but as the tree grows they would prefer a soil or compost which is a little acidic. 

It is suggested that you keep in a pot for the first year, after about 12 to 18 months you can either put in a permanent very big pot or plant in the garden.

More information

Common name: Mexican weeping pine

Latin name: Pinus Patula

Genus: Pinus

Type: Evergreen

Conservation status: Least concern

This is a graceful tree and fast growing, the weeping Mexican pines will add a year round ornamental appeal. Pinus Patula, commonly known as the Mexican weeping pine, is a conifer native to Mexico. 

It is an evergreen conifer with slender, drooping bright green needles up to a foot in length and a contrasting reddish bark.

The plant we supply is about 6 inches tall supplied in a 5 inch pot.

The plant shown below is about 18 months old and about 2 feet tall now available for £15.00

Mexican Weeping Pine

An evergreen conifer making a medium-sized tree of elegant habit, with slender, drooping bright green needles to 30cm in length, and contrasting reddish bark. Cones curved, to 10cm in length, pale brown


Pinus can be shrubs or large, evergreen trees, some species with attractive bark, developing an irregular outline with age and bearing long needle-like leaves in bundles of 2, 3 or 5; conspicuous cones may fall or remain on the tree for years

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