Akplants of Norwich

Monkey Puzzle

Monkey Puzzle

The monkey puzzle tree (Araucaria araucana) is a large evergreen tree with a distinctive shape – its often horizontal branches are covered in spirals of sharp, triangular leaves. When mature, trees produce large cones at the tips of the branches.

Also known as the Chile pine, the monkey puzzle tree is native to Chile and Argentina. The seeds, similar to large pine nuts, were long part of the staple diet of the indigenous people of the region.

The tree dates back 200 million years, which means it was around in the dinosaur (Mesozoic) Era. It's thought that the sharp leaves protected the tree from being eaten by dinosaurs and other long-extinct animals.

Common Name Monkey puzzle tree, Chilean pine, monkey tail tree

Botanical Name Araucaria araucana


Mature Size50–80 ft. tall, 20–30 ft. wide

Sun ExposureFull, partial

Soil TypeMoist but well-drained

Soil pHAcidic, neutral, alkaline

 Native AreaSouth America

Monkey Puzzle Tree Care

Planted in the right environment, such as USDA hardiness zones 7-10, monkey puzzle tree is an easy-going option. Here are the main requirements for growing a monkey puzzle tree:

  • Choose a spot that gets lots of sunlight, ideally getting at least six hours of direct sun per day.Make sure your intended location will be big enough for a monkey puzzle tree as it matures.Prepare well-draining soil; the pH and composition of the soil is not particularly important as long as it drains easily.Water regularly, especially when the tree is first getting established, and continue to protect mature monkey puzzle trees from drought.

The monkey puzzle tree was introduced to the UK at the end of the 18th century and was a favourite with the Victorians. It's thought it got its common name when a guest saw a tree at a country estate in Cornwall and remarked that it would be a 'puzzler' even for a monkey to climb.

While the monkey puzzle tree is a common sight in large gardens and parks in the UK (thanks to those Victorians), it's now classed as an endangered species in its native habitat. Human interference in the form of heavy logging, forest fires and grazing from introduced animals has taken a heavy toll on the trees. It can take 40 years for the tree to produce seeds, so re-establishing them is a long-term challenge.

One real positive about growing the monkey puzzle tree is that it will tolerate a wide range of soils providing they are deep, and the drainage is good. Adding some perlite to the potting mix in a container may aid drainage. 

If the tree has established itself and you have watered it well for the first year or two, as instructed above, watering your monkey puzzle is low maintenance. The tree prefers medium moist soil, and that can usually be maintained by the precipitation that occurs naturally. If a dry spell does occur, water as needed. For a plant in a container besides keeping the soil moist, a regular misting will be needed. 

If your garden is dry or can reach colder temperatures, consider growing the tree in a pot that can be moved back and forth between outdoor and indoor locations as the seasons shift.

The Monkey Puzzle tree does not need fertilizer


Monkey puzzle trees generally require no pruning pother than to remove dead or broken branches. These should be removed back to the main trunk, as partial pruning often kills the entire branch. These trees are "self-pruning" as they age—lower branches die and fall off, creating a tree with an eccentric upper canopy.

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