Akplants of Norwich

Himalayan Honeysuckle


Himalayan Honeysuckle

Himalayan honeysuckle, Leycesteria formosa, is just as beautiful as all the other types of honeysuckle plants, yet offers its own unique appeal.

L. formosa can be grown as a vine or a shrub, and it produces sweet-smelling white flowers that descend from scarlet or purple bracts.

These flowers bloom in the late spring through summer. In fall, plants produce berries with a noteworthy flavor similar to that of caramel or toffee.

Though similar to other Honeysuckle plants in the Caprifoliaceae family, Himalayan honeysuckle offers notable differences in terms of its low-maintenance appeal as well as its visual appearance.

What really makes these plants so special is their origin, they come from the Himalayas – which means lots of chilly nights are required to help keep them healthy.

How to Grow

L. formosa enjoys a full sun location, but note that a bit of afternoon shade is desirable in warmer areas.

This is a low-maintenance plant, requiring only occasional water in dry periods once established. In the first two years after transplanting it should be watered regularly in the absence of rain, receiving about an inch of water per week.

If winter temperatures regularly dip below 15°F, the stems of this shrub will freeze to the ground. Fortunately, new ones will sprout in spring as long as the roots are protected, and grow back quickly by summer. They’ll often put on several feet of growth by this time.

L. formosa grows best in average, well-drained soil. This undemanding plant can grow in nutritionally poor soils and it tolerates everything from sand to clay, and a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0.

As long as the soil is kept moist while it is becoming established, this plant does not require a lot of attention.

If you wish to fertilize, you can add a side dressing of compost in the autumn or spring. Again, this is not necessary but can be done if your soil is exceptionally poor.

Pruning and Maintenance

Your plant can be cut back to within just a few inches of the ground in the late winter or early spring, when plants are dormant.

Although it is not necessary for the health of the plant, this kind of hard pruning can help control its size and limit its spread in your garden. It can also revitalize the plant’s appearance, especially if you remove any weak, twiggy growth.

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