Akplants of Norwich
Discover the beauty of Pinus patula, also known as Mexican Weeping Pine. This striking tree is native to Mexico and can grow up to 100 ft tall. This is a hardy tree.The grass-green needles, slender and gracefully hanging leaves, and cones up to 4.5" make it a stunning tree to behold. It is often multitrunked. Pinus patula is cultivated for its timber in many areas of the world, including South Africa, India, and the United Kingdom, where it is widely used as an ornamental tree. Experience the beauty and versatility of Pinus patula for yourself. The plan we supply is a sapling about 6 inches tall on a 5 inch pot.
Toona sinensis, also known as Chinese Mahogany, Chinese Toon, or Red Toon, is a highly popular and revered tree native to eastern and southeastern Asia. It is grown for its nutritious and tasty vegetable, Toona Sprouts, which are easy to cultivate and rich in protein, vitamin A, fat, carbohydrate and ash. The young leaves of this tree have a unique onion-like flavor and are extensively used as a vegetable in China. The trunk of the tree is hard and reddish, making it valuable for furniture making and the bodies of electric guitars. Toona sinensis is also a large ornamental tree, with a haggard aspect that is highly valued outside of its native regions. This species is the only cold-tolerant member of the Meliaceae family and can be cultivated successfully in northern Europe. The tree also holds cultural significance in Chinese literature, where it is often used as an extreme metaphor for a mature father. The plant we supply at this stage is a seedling a few inches tall.
Introducing the beautiful Albizia julibrissin, commonly known as the Persian Silk Tree or Pink Silk Tree. This small deciduous tree grows up to 15 feet tall and has bright pink flowers that bloom throughout the summer. Not only does it add a stunning pop of colour to any garden. Native to Asia, it is hardy The leaves of this tree also have a unique characteristic of closing during the night and periods of rain, earning it the nickname "night sleeper". It is a popular ornamental tree for parks and gardens.
Melia azedarach, also known as bead tree, chinaberry, pride of India, and Persian lilac, is a deciduous tree in the mahogany family. Native to Indomalaya and Australasia, it has a rounded crown and can grow up to 45 meters. The main utility of melia azedarach is its high quality timber, which ranges in color from light brown to dark red, and is commonly used in the florist and landscaping trade. The tree is also used as a shade tree.The fruits of the tree, which are toxic to humans in large quantities, are eaten by birds, and drunkard state can occur as a result. The sapling we supply is about 8 inches in a 5 inch pot.
Albizia lophantha or the Cape Wattle is an erect, broad domed tree or large shrub with Jacaranda-like compound leaves that are dark green.
In spring this tree is full of yellow/green flower spikes that are made up of many fluffy stamens. These flowers are also perfumed and can be bird attracting.
This tree is fast growing, which makes it perfect for providing quick cover for shade, screen or windbreak.
We supply a young sapling in a 5 inch pot.
Thuja orientalis, commonly known as the Chinese Arborvitae, is a conifer native to Asia. Its range extends across mainly China.
This tree is generally found at low to medium altitudes, mostly from 200 m (656 ft) to 2,400 m (7,870 ft).
The Chinese Arborvitae is a small evergreen conifer, reaching a height of 10 m (33 ft). The trunk can be pale brown or dark brown and reach 40 cm diameter. The leaves / needles are scale like. The cones are pale blue and 20 mm in diameter. It can live up to 150 years.
This species is the perfect landscaping tree for gardens of all sizes due to its small size. Can be container grown and used to form a wind break.
When you think of nature’s wild and untamed beauty, the image of a sprawling, majestic acacia tree might not immediately come to mind. However, this remarkable tree, with its long branches and iconic umbrella-like canopy, has a unique charm and a fascinating story to tell. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to discover the world of the acacia tree, exploring its description, characteristics, types, native location, uses, and cultural significance.
The acacia tree is like nature’s sentinel, standing tall and proud in the vast landscapes it inhabits. This tree is known for its striking appearance, with its thin, often twisted trunk and branches reaching high into the sky. Its unique canopy, resembling a giant green umbrella, provides shade to countless creatures that seek refuge from the scorching sun.
Acacia Baileyana Purpurea or Cootamundra Wattle is a fast growing, evergreen small tree with an eventual height of 5 metres, or large shrub with spectacular deep purple flushed, young fern-like foliage on purplish red stems contrasting with the blue-green older leaves. Racemes of bright yellow mimosa- like flowers are freely produced during March, highly attractive to the bee population and greatly prized by the local honey producers.
It produces very beautiful ferny like leaves which when young are a deep purple colour fading to silver grey as they mature. During late winter masses of fluffy bright yellow flowers are produced which have a strong sweet like fragrance. Acacia baileyana ‘Purpurea’ makes a medium sized busy shrub and can easily be pruned to shape. The only downside is that it requires a warm spot in the garden and although tolerant of frosts needs to be in a milder location. But because it is fast growing and relatively inexpensive we thoroughly recommend trying this plant. It can also happily be grown in a container and brought into a cool glasshouse or conservatory for the winter. Indeed it makes a brilliant year round conservatory plant filling the air with it’s amazing fragance in late winter.
Looking for a unique addition to your garden? Look no further than the Cercis chinensis - Chinese Redbud. This plant, native to China and Japan, can grow up to 40 ft tall as a tree, but is typically found in shrub form. The circular, pointed leaves add a beautiful texture to any landscape, and the pink or milky white flowers are a stunning sight in April. The Chinese Redbud thrives between 500-4500 ft above sea level, and produces fruit in October. This small, upright-growing, multi-trunked shrub with purplish or rose-pink flowers is a perfect accent for any garden.
Sorbus aucuparia, also known as Rowan or European Mountain Ash, is a stunning deciduous tree that is native to most of Europe and parts of Asia. Its mature form is rounded and oval, with dark green leaves that change into yellow, red or purple colors in autumn. The tree blooms white flowers in May, which form into orange-red berries that are enjoyed by birds. Sorbus aucuparia is a fast-growing tree that can reach up to 50 ft in height and is wind resistant, making it ideal for shelterbelt plantings. It prefers open sunny positions in reasonably good soils and is frost hardy, but dislikes excessive heat. Apart from its ornamental value, the plant has many uses. Its fruits are used to create a cosmetic face-mask to combat wrinkled skin, and all parts of the plant give a black dye, thanks to the tannin content. Sorbus aucuparia is also used as fodder for livestock and is planted to fortify soil in mountain regions. This undemanding and beautiful tree can be a valuable addition to any garden.
Syringa vulgaris, also known as the common lilac, is a popular ornamental plant in gardens and parks due to its attractive and sweet-smelling flowers that bloom early in the summer. The plant can be grown as an informal hedge and is often used as a rootstock for various ornamental cultivars of lilac. The essential oil from its flowers is used in perfumery, and the bark and leaves have also been used for medicinal purposes. Its flowers are usually lilac to mauve, occasionally white, and are arranged in dense terminal panicles. This large deciduous shrub or small tree can grow up to 6-7m high and is native to the Balkan Peninsula but has been naturalized in other parts of Europe and America. It is widely naturalized in western and northern Europe, but it is not regarded as an aggressive species. It is an excellent addition to any garden or park and is available in various cultivars, with some still in commerce today.
Araucaria araucana, commonly known as the monkey puzzle tree, is an evergreen conifer species native to central and southern Chile and western Argentina. With a trunk diameter of 2 metres and a height of up to 40 metres, it is the hardiest species in the Araucaria genus and is sometimes referred to as a "living fossil" due to its great age. However, its conservation status was upgraded to Endangered by the IUCN in 2013 due to a declining population caused by logging, forest fires, and grazing. The tree's unique, thick, "reptilian" branches with a symmetrical appearance make it a favourite ornamental garden tree. Its seeds, piñones, can be eaten raw or cooked and have a slightly nutty flavour resembling that of pine nuts. Although the tree takes around 30 to 40 years to yield seeds, it can live up to 1,000 years. Despite its rarity and endangered status, the tree's wood was once prized for its long, straight trunk. Named after the indigenous Pehuenches people who harvested its nuts, it is also the national tree of Chile.
Betula pendula, or Silver Birch, is a striking medium-sized deciduous tree famous for its eye-catching white bark - a feature that made it Finland's national tree. Standing 30-40 ft tall, it features a slender trunk under 15 inches in diameter with an elegant crown composed of arched branches and drooping branchlets. Often covered with black diamond-shaped marks, the trunk's white bark presents a unique aesthetic appeal. Silver Birch thrives in dry, sandy soils and displays dark green foliage in summer that turns yellow in fall. This tree is not just about the looks; its leaves are used in saunas for their relaxing aroma, while the bark makes durable, waterproof items like drinking vessels, canoe skins, and roofing tiles. Betula pendula also establishes a beneficial relationship with the mycorrhizal fungus, Amanita muscaria, particularly in acidic or nutrient-poor soils. The inner bark yields an oil similar to wintergreen oil, used medicinally and in refreshing tea, while the outer bark provides a quality charcoal for artists and papermakers alike. It is a resilient species, tolerating drought and wet conditions, but it prefers moist soil. It is an excellent addition to parks, gardens, or spaces needing an artful spark of natural beauty.what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
A laburnum tree in flower is a beautiful sight – the burst of dripping, golden yellow flowers in May is truly glorious. Laburnum is also known as the bean tree, bean trefoil or golden rain tree, thanks to its hanging, pea-like blooms. The foliage is attractive, too – fine and divided into oval leaflets.
Laburnums can be grown as small, free-standing trees and can also be trained over a pergola, arch or walkway, which show off the pendulous pea-like flower clusters. The most famous example is at Bodnant Garden in Wales. They look spectacular underplanted with purple alliums.
Traditionally laburnums were planted in larger gardens, but there are newer varieties that will suit smaller gardens and containers. Laburnums are deciduous, which means they lose their leaves in autumn, with fresh foliage appearing the following spring. They are fast growers, putting on around 40cm of growth a year.
All parts of the tree, especially the seeds, are toxic to humans and animals if ingested – keep children and pets away from them. Wear gloves and wash hands after handling.
Jacaranda mimosifolia is a spectacular tree, native to the tropical regions of Bolivia and Argentina. It bears masses of vibrant purple-blue flowers in late-spring and again in autumn, and is a popular street tree and garden specimen in warmer climates. While many people fall in love with Jacaranda tree while on holiday and want to grow it at home, it's a frost-tender deciduous tree that needs a warm growing environment with a minimum temperature of 5°C. However, the dwarf grafted form, Jacaranda ‘Bonsai Blue’, makes it possible to grow Jacaranda in a pot, so you can grow it outdoors in summer and move it under cover for winter.
Colorado blue spruce is a medium/large evergreen tree native to the Rocky Mountains in the US.
It can grow up to 23 m (75 ft) tall. Trunk diameter in excess of 1.3 m.
The grey-blue-green leaves, up to 3 cm (1 in) long, are arranged radially on the shoots and stems.
This is a prized ornamental tree worldwide, widely cultivated for the Christmas tree industry.
This species can live for 200 years.
Mimosa pudica, also known as the Bashful Mimosa, Humble Plant, Lajjalu, Sensitive Plant, Shameplant, Shy Plant, Sleeping Grass, or Touch-Me-Not, is an attractive plant with small pink flowers that is grown mostly as a curiosity. The compound leaflets fold up promptly along the midrib when touched, making for a fascinating sight. Native to the tropics, this plant can be grown as an annual in cold areas. The stem is erect in young plants, but becomes creeping or trailing with age, and is often found in undisturbed shady areas, under trees or shrubs. Interestingly, aqueous extracts of the roots of the plant have shown significant neutralizing effects in the lethality of the venom of the monocled cobra. Mimosa pudica is well known for its rapid plant movement, as it closes its foliage during darkness and reopens in light, and also closes when stimulated in other ways such as touching, warming, blowing, and shaking. This trait is believed to be a defense mechanism to disincentivize predators. Mimosa pudica is a tetraploid, and its roots create carbon disulfide that prevents certain pathogenic and mycorrhizal fungi from growing within the plant’s rhizosphere. It also allows the formation of nodules on the roots of the plant that contain endosymbiotic diazotrophs, which convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that is usable by the plant. Although an invasive species in some regions, Mimosa pudica is still adored by many for its unique characteristics and beauty.
Hesperocyparis sempervirens var. Horizontalis Italian Cypress, also known as Mediterranean Cypress, is a narrow, strictly erect evergreen tree that is native to the eastern Mediterranean region. This cultivar is also known as Pencil Pine and is widely popular for its fragrant wood that repels moths, making it ideal for wardrobes and cabinet making. The plant has two growth habits- fastigiate and horizontal. The horizontal form is believed to predate human activity while the fastigiate form has a horticultural origin dating back to prehistoric times. The Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta' variety is found in Southern Europe and western Asia and was used by the Ancient Greeks to carve statues of their gods. The essential oil distilled from the shoots is extensively used in perfumery, aromatherapy, and soap making. The leaves and cones are anthelmintic, antipyretic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, astringent, balsamic, and vasoconstrictive. The wood is very hard, durable, and fragrant, making it popular for building use. This cultivar grows to 30m by 5m and is hardy to zone 7. It prefers light, medium, and heavy soils and requires well-drained, dry or moist soil. It can tolerate drought and has a very tolerant hot and dry climate. It does not grow in the shade and requires a sunny position.
Looking for a unique and elegant addition to your garden or landscape? Cupressus torulosa, also known as the Himalayan cypress, is a species of cypress found in the Himalayas from 300 to 1800 meters, as well as on limestone in Sichuan, China and Vietnam. This plant boasts bright green or bluish-green drooping branchlets and is native to the Himalayas. What makes Cupressus torulosa so interesting is that it is the only species of Cupressus indigenous to India, forming a link between the true cypresses of the extreme east and those native to Europe. It is moderately hard and very durable, making it a great choice for general construction. Burn the plant as an incense or make use of its leaves. With its intriguing history and unique characteristics, Cupressus torulosa makes a stunning addition to any garden or landscape.
Cercis siliquastrum, commonly known as Judas Tree, is a beautiful ornamental tree from Southern Europe and Western Asia. This deciduous shrub or tree can grow up to 35 ft tall and produces deep pink flowers in spring on year-old or older growth, including the trunk. The leaves appear shortly after the first flowers emerge and are heart-shaped with a blunt apex, while the tree produces long flat pods that hang vertically. The flowers are not only beautiful but also edible. They have a sweetish-acid taste and can be added to salads, while the flower buds are pickled and used as a condiment. This tree prefers deep, well-drained soils and a position in full sun or partial shade. It can also grow in nutritionally poor soil and is noted for attracting wildlife. Propagation is by seed, cuttings, or budding. The species produces hard wood with an attractive grain that is used in veneers and polishes well. Despite its name, Judas Tree has no connection to the biblical figure. It is a beautiful addition to any garden and adds a pop of color in the spring season.
Introducing Paulownia tomentosa, which is also known as Empress Tree, Dragon Tree, Foxglove Tree, Phoenix Tree, or Sapphire Tree. This majestic tree is grown commercially for the production of hardwood timber and is popular in its native China for reforestation, roadside planting, and as an ornamental tree. Its fast-growing nature allows it to grow up to 20 feet in just one year when young, making it a great choice for those looking for quick results. The wood is used in China, Korea, and Japan for making the soundboards of stringed musical instruments including guqin and pipa. Paulownia is also known for its resilience in ecologically stressed and degenerate lands and has been named the "Phoenix tree" due to its ability to regenerate from its existing root system after harvesting. The wood is versatile and has been used for making surfboards, electric guitars, lightweight touring skis, chests, boxes, and clogs. Order yours today and watch as this stunning tree transforms your landscape.
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